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The following phone searches lookup publicly available resources and return all relevant results.

Cellular and Mobile Phone Caller ID Directory Assistance

Search Name or Address from cell or mobile phone numbers. Instant Directory Assistance. 411 Directory, Caller ID Phone Book.

Reverse Phone Search, Name / Address from phone number

Lookup registered name and current address of a phone number instantly. You can also choose to see verified names and addresses.

Lookup Phone Number from Address

Search phone number associated with Address. Search Landline, Cell, Mobile, VOIP, Web & Internet phone numbers.

Search Name and Address from Cell Phone or fax number

Search name and address associated with cell, mobile or fax phone number.

Name and Address from Disconnected Numbers

Search name and address associated with a disconnected number. Current, Historical, Old phone books, directories, yellow and white pages.
Find Name or Address from a phone number
Search, lookup name or address associated with a phone number. Search the phone book.

Cell Phone Number by Name and Address

Search Cell phone number associated with a Name and/or Address.

Lookup Name and Address of Toll Free or Payphone Number

Search the name and address associated with a Toll free or payphone number.

Search Name or Address from Internet Phone Number

Search name or address associated with VOIP, IP, Wi Fi, Net, Web, IP Phone, Broadband phone, Web phone or internet phone number.
Search past L

andline phone number

Search past landline phone numbers that may be associated with a person including disconnected numbers.
Search past C

ell phone number

Search past cell phone numbers including disconnected numbers.

Name Address profile of Phone Number

Search possible Names and Addresses of a landline phone number.
Past Name Address of

Cell phone number

Search possible Names and Addresses of a cell phone number in the past.

Cell Phone Number from Name or last known Address

Search cell phone number associated with Name or last known Address.
Search all phone numbers associated with Name or


Search all phone numbers such as landline, cell phone, fax phone numbers associated with Name or Address.

new phone number from old landline or cell phone number

Search possible new number associated with disconnected old landline or cell phone number.
Search Phone

Number from Property or Street Address

Search phone number associated with street address or real property location.

Search Name, Address from Voicemail or Pager Number

Search lookup name or address associated with Voicemail or Pager Number

Search Name, Address from Satellite Phone Number

Search name or address associated with Satellite phone number.

Instant telephone directory assistance helps search Up to the minute information for any caller ID, residential, business, cell, internet, fax, mobile, pager or pay phone including name, current address (when available), phone company, connection status and more.

How to find source of Secretive or harassing Phone Calls?

Often times the source of the harassing or obscene calls will show the phone number as unlisted, unpublished, non published, anonymous or private. What is the difference between the phone number labels of unlisted, unpublished, non published, private or anonymous? All the above labels essentially mean the same thing. Continuous, Secretive, Obscene or harassing phone calls can be very scary and stressful. Even if calls are not threatening they can be of great inconvenience. However there are various options available to you to put an end to these calls. In most cases, simply uncloaking the individual is enough to bring your problems to swift and successful resolutions.

What type of phone calls are generally considered to be harassing?

When someone calls and uses obscene or threatening language.
When someone calls repeatedly and hangs up.
When someone calls and breathes heavy or remains silent to intimidate you.

How often do I have to get these calls to consider it as harassment?

Generally any unwelcome call is harassing however your telephone company or law enforcement will not take any action unless calls are frequent. If caller threatens you with specific threats of bodily harm to yourself or your family then the phone company or law enforcement will take prompt action.

What options do I have when I get harassing calls?

The first thing to do is to call your phone company. Different phone companies have different policies on whether you should call the phone company or the police first. Some phone companies may ask you to call the phone company's local office and explain the problem. Other phone companies may require that you to file a formal complaint with local police before they will deal with the matter. You should contact your local phone company and find out what their policy is in matters of harassing calls. If the threats are serious and your life or property is threatened or if the obscene phone calls are very frequent then you should call your local police immediately and file a report and provide all details and  information. You should also note down dates and times of calls and  if the caller sounded male or female and describe his/her voice. If caller said anything or if there was any background noise then note down what the caller said and other details on the background noise. If any phone number was displayed on your caller ID you should note that down too.

What does it mean when sometimes my phone rings and there is no one on the line?

Often when you receive frequent hang ups on your phone line it could be that someone is checking to see if you are home or its simply harassment. It could also be calls from telemarketers who use computers for "predictive dialing" to call consumers where the computer dials many phone numbers in a short period of time. When anyone answers, the computer finds a sales representative who is not occupied at that time and connects the call. If all sales reps are busy then consumer may hear only silence. These type of calls are called "abandoned calls." If you are receiving many abandoned calls in a day, you can call the annoyance department of your local phone company. If these repeated calls are from a malicious individual who is harassing you rather than a telemarketer, the phone company will generally report the number to law enforcement.

What options do I have to stop other kinds of unwanted calls?

To avoid unwanted calls you can use many services offered by your phone company. Call Screen (*60): Your phone can be programmed to reject calls from selected numbers with a service called Call Screen (Phone companies might use different names). Instead of ringing on your line, these calls are routed to a recording that tells the caller you will not take the call. With Call Screen, you can also program your telephone to reject calls from the number of last person who called. This allows you to block calls even if you do not know the phone number. Most phone companies charge a monthly fee for this service.  However Call Screen is not a foolproof way to stop unwelcome calls. A determined caller can move to a different phone number to bypass the block. Also, Call Screen does not work on long distance calls from outside your service area. You can also use Priority Ringing: You can assign a special ring to calls from up to 10 numbers calls you are most likely to want to answer. The rest can be routed to voice mail. There are ways callers can get around Priority Ringing when it is used as a screening tool. Harasser can switch phone lines and avoid the distinctive ring. You can try Call Return (*69): This service allows you to call back the number of last person who called, even if you are unable to answer the phone. Some people suggest that Call Return can be used to stop harassing callers by allowing you to call the harasser back without knowing their phone number. Use caution with this method of discouraging harassing callers, however, as it could actually aggravate the problem. This service is paid on a per-use basis. You can use Caller ID to identify the caller if they are not blocking their number or use a service offered by most phone companies called Privacy Manager. It works with Caller ID to identify incoming calls that have no telephone numbers. Calls identified as "anonymous," unavailable," out of area" or "private" must identify themselves in order to complete the call. Before your phone rings, a recorded message instructs the caller to unblock the call, enter a code number (like inbound call blocking devices mentioned above), or record their name. When your phone rings, you can choose to accept or reject the call, send it to voice mail, or send a special message to telemarketers instructing them to put you on their "do not call" list.

Phone Area Codes in USA:

Due to number portability and VOIP phones the old system of classifying area codes by phone numbers is not always valid anymore. However wired landline numbers are assigned area codes according to the following geography. Phone area codes are the first three digits of any phone number in USA.