Search License Plates
Search License Plates
How can I search License plates? License plates can be searched only in compliance with the DPPA and are requested by plate number or VIN number. You make a request to the appropriate government agency or department of motor vehicles. License plate data generally include the following information: Search by License Plate Number generally returns: First and Last Name, Address, Registration and Expiration date, Make and Model of Vehicle, VIN Number, Title Number, Lien holder name. However the following type of Plate numbers do not generally return any data. Tag Written Wrong or is Incorrect, Government or Law Enforcement Vehicle
All countries record license plates including US States and Canadian Provinces including Alberta, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Northwest, Territories, Nova Scotia, Nunavut, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, Quebec, Saskatchewan, Yukon
Mexico, UK, Australia, New Zealand, UK, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea..
License Plates records could be archived. In other words you can request the appropriate agency for plate information that is not currently registered, but was registered in the past. Many agencies archive data indefinately.
Reverse License Plate / VIN Search
What is a reverse license plate search? Reverse plate search is searching a plate number by the Name or Address of an individual or business.
Alabama |
4 - 5 weeks |
Alaska |
48 hours |
Arizona |
4 - 5 days |
Arkansas |
48 hours |
California |
5 - 8 days (will only return Name) |
Colorado |
5 - 7 days |
Connecticut |
2 - 4 weeks |
Delaware |
5 - 8 days |
D.C. |
5 - 8 days |
Florida |
48 hours |
Georgia |
5 - 8 days |
Hawaii |
5 - 8 days |
Idaho |
48 hours |
Illinois |
3 to 5 weeks |
Indiana |
48 hours |
Iowa |
48 hours |
Kansas |
48 hours |
Kentucky |
48 hours |
Louisiana |
48 hours |
Maine |
48 hours |
Maryland |
2 - 3 days |
Massachusetts |
3 - 5 weeks |
Michigan |
48 hours |
Minnesota |
48 hours |
Mississippi |
48 hours |
Missouri |
48 hours |
Montana |
48 hours |
Nebraska |
48 hours |
Nevada |
5 - 8 days |
New Hampshire |
3 - 5 weeks |
New Jersey |
3 - 5 days |
New Mexico |
48 hours |
New York |
48 hours |
North Carolina |
48 hours |
North Dakota |
48 hours |
Ohio |
48 hours |
Oklahoma |
3 - 6 days |
Oregon |
Unavailable |
Pennsylvania |
5 - 8 days |
Rhode Island |
2 - 4 weeks |
South Carolina |
3 day |
South Dakota (state reason required) |
3 - 5 days |
Tennessee |
48 hours |
Texas |
48 hours |
Utah |
48 hours |
Vermont |
5 - 8 days |
Virginia |
8 - 14 days |
Washington |
2 - 3 wks |
West Virginia |
48 hours |
Wisconsin |
48 hours |
Wyoming |
48 hours |
Canada Any province |
7 - 10 days |
Other countries |
Time Varies |