
Background Checks


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Household Employee Background Check

Household Employee Background check search usually includes criminal and civil court records, judgments, bankruptcies, dispositions, pending and dismissed cases, and lawsuits. The information usually inclueds filing dates, closing dates, filing types, case numbers, defendent, plaintiff, charges and names of attorneys. Serach sources include, Federal & Appellate court records, Supreme Court records, County court records, sex offender registries, department of corrections, municipal court records, federal fugitive files, small claims courts records, federal courts, state courts, supreme courts, district courts, family courts, appeals courts, traffic courts, state and county criminal record archives, jail and prison parole and release files, probation records, records from other state agencies and Interpol public records.

What you need to know before hiring a household employee

Nationwide Background Check

Background Check by State

Find Public Records Online will help you with background checks.

What do Background Check searched by State Include?

The background check is a report from each state detailing historic, personal and criminal offenses committed by an individual and are as follows:

  • criminal records, civil court records, aliases, AKA's, date of birth, 30 year address history, bankruptcy, judgments, liens, real property, property assessments, associates, relatives, phone numbers, neighbors, court Cases, employment history from Public records, registrations, death Index, professional licenses, corporate affiliations, UCC filings, assets, education, employment & reference verification.

Each state has varying laws and rules in regards to classifications of criminal activity. Civil cases or lawsuits and bankruptcies, are not included on the criminal record. The countywide search usually go back as far as 7 years. Some counties report both felony and misdemeanor violations while others, only felonies. Not all counties provide information for the same periods of time some may go back longer than others.