
Background Checks


Phone Lookup



Driving Records  

Driving Records

marriage search

Vital Records

people search

People Search


Criminal History

asset search

Asset Search

Business Credit Report

Business Credit Report

Comprehensive business credit report typically searches: Fictitious Business Name, Key Facts, Corporate Registration, Credit Summary, Banking, Insurance, Leasing Payment Summary, Collections Summary, Judgments, Tax Liens Bankruptcies, Credit Ranking Score, Collections Detail, Inquiries, UCC Summary. Search USA, UK, Canada, Australia, Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Mexico, Brazil, China, Russia, India, Japan, Taiwan and other countries in the world. UK and Thailand credit reports generally also include company financials. These International business credit reports are accepted by Exim Bank and most major credit insurers.

Business Lawsuits, Liens, Judgments Search

Returns information on lawsuits, liens, judgments filed against the business. Information on pending lawsuits is not included with the standard search. Pending lawsuits is an additional option and can be ordered separately.

Business Payment & Credit History

Searches charts of accounts, showing the details of the company's payment history over time by tradeline. (Tradeline is a business extending credit for a service or product.) Also includes the comprehensive business credit report.

Business Comprehensive Nationwide Criminal, Civil, Dismissed, Pending cases, Lawsuits, Charges, Judgments, Convictions, Dispositions and other Court Records Search

This report generally searches Criminal & Civil court records, Judgments, Dispositions, Pending and Dismissed cases, Lawsuits, Filing dates, Closing dates, Filing types, Case Numbers, Party Names, Case Summaries, Charges and Attorney Names as available, bankruptcies and other court dockets. You can even find if a case has been filed with the court within 1 to 4 business days. Search includes multiple criminal record sources such as State dockets, Federal & Appellate court dockets, Supreme Court dockets, County court dockets. Search by business name.

Business Owner / Officer Background Check

Returns a comprehensive background check of the business owner along with their psychological profile.

Search Business Ownership & Affiliations

Uncover an individual's business affiliations and ownership. Determine the relationship(s) between one ownership and another.  Explore possible conflicts of interest by looking for a business manager or executive's involvement with other businesses. The Business Ownership and Affiliation search returns: Name & address of Business or Businesses with which the individual is affiliated with or has ownership interest.  Title of Executive(s), or Officer(s), or Owner(s) Type of business or corporation. SIC Description Additional detail information on the business owned may be available on some results, such as corporate id number, employee size, sales volume, phone number, status, company history, etc.


Search Sales Tax Permits

Searching Sales and Use Tax Permits is a good way to Verify a business` existence, locate owners, check tax identification numbers, and determine other businesses with same owner. Search by Name and address of business.

Search Employer Identification Number, EIN

Returns the Federal Employer Identification Number of a Business from Name and Address.

Business Bank Account Search

Search returns possible locations of accounts held by a business in a specific state. Account balances and numbers are not provided. (Searched in compliance with the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act)

Business Background Check

Do you know where your competitors are right now? Do you know what your competition is up to? Are they gaining on you? Preparing to launch a new product? Planning an expansion? Facing bankruptcy? Forewarned is forearmed. If you are in business, you need to know what your competition is doing. Competitive intelligence is not limited to Fortune 1000 companies; all businesses benefit from this type of competitive research. Get a Comprehensive Business Background check which typically includes, Name, Address of the Business, Possible Owners and Officers, Employer Identification Number, Lawsuits, Liens, Judgments, Corporate Records, Products sold by the business, Credit Report of the business, Information on licenses and permits, Is the business hiring or firing employees, rumors and gossip on the business, if the business is a publicly traded company then it will also include general information on the finances of the business, and possible leaked corporate documents.

(*Business Name, current phone number or address required for all business searches., Information on pending lawsuits is not returned.)