Search Birth Records
Search all U.S. States, for birth records.
Search Date of Birth |
Are you looking for someone's birthday? This report searches an individuals date of birth from information that matches the criteria supplied by you. Sources are compiled from many different public records specifically created for the location of an individual's date of birth. A maximum of 5 possible matches will be returned. Results depend on the criteria that you supply. | |
Search Verify Social Security Number |
This is an instant search and can return names, aliases, AKA's and addresses that have been used with a Social Security Number. This can be a great way to prevent identity theft and fraud as it can help you pinpoint the names and addresses used with any Social Security Number. Monitoring the names and addresses that are associated with any Social Security Number can also help you identify or catch any type of fraud conducted with the number. This search could also help you find if any deceased person's name is associated with the social security number.
What are Social Security Numbers?
Social Security numbers were first issued by the federal government in 1936 to track social security programs. However as time went by the Social Security number (SSN) became the most frequently used recordkeeping number in the United States. The Internal Revenue Service decided to use Social Security Numbers for all tax purposes in 1961. In time use SSN's spread to employee records, medical records, health insurance accounts, credit and banking accounts, university and school records, and many other purposes. In the USA a Social security number is required to work and all Citizens, Permanent Residents and most residents on specific temporary visas are required to obtain a SSN before commencing work. A Social Security Number (SSN) consists of nine digits, commonly written as three fields separated by hyphens: XXX-YY-ZZZ. The first three-digits are called the "area number". The middle, two-digits are called the "group number". The final, four-digits are called the "serial number". This process of assigning social security numbers has changed a few times. Only half the group numbers were used until 1965. Generally field offices assigned the numbers before 1972 and since 1972 Social security numbers have generally been assigned by a central office. The order in which numbers were assigned was changed in the 1972 transition.
There are many reasons to get a birth certificate. Maybe you have lost yours or maybe you need one in order to get a passport. Maybe you are trying to locate someone or reunite someone, or need to contact someone's parents or relatives.
Birth certificates usually contain a person's full name and date of birth, place of birth, physician's name, names of parents, ages of parents, occupations of parents, mother's maiden name, address of parents, and place of birth of parents. A birth certificate with all the information could be a beginning to an investigation of someone's background or can help locate the person by providing you names of parents. Or you may wish to contact the physician listed to see if you can get help locating someone.
Some states my require further documentation in order to obtain a birth certificate such a:
If you apply for a birth certificate on behalf of another individual, you must provide an original, notarized letter signed by that person authorizing the release of his or her birth certificate to you. In addition, you must submit both a copy of his or her un-expired photo identification as well as your own. The signature on the notarized letter must match the signature on the identification presented.
Attorneys seeking a birth certificate are required to provide three items: a request on their business letterhead indicating the purpose of the request, their un-expired photo identification, and an original, notarized letter signed by the client authorizing the release.
For those aged 16 and 17 who apply for their own birth certificate, they must present their un-expired photo identification, an original, notarized letter from a parent named on the birth certificate authorizing release of the birth certificate, and a copy of that parent's un-expired photo identification. The signature on the notarized letter must match the signature on the identification.
Birth Records by State
- Alabama Birth Records
- Alaska Birth Records
- Arizona Birth Records
- Arkansas Birth Records
- California Birth Records
- Colorado Birth Records
- Connecticut Birth Records
- Delaware Birth Records
- District of Columbia Birth Records
- Florida Birth Records
- Georgia Birth Records
- Hawaii Birth Records
- Idaho Birth Records
- Illinois Birth Records
- Indiana Birth Records
- Iowa Birth Records
- Kansas Birth Records
- Kentucky Birth Records
- Louisiana Birth Records
- Maine Birth Records
- Maryland Birth Records
- Massachusetts Birth Records
- Michigan Birth Records
- Minnesota Birth Records
- Mississippi Birth Records
- Missouri Birth Records
- Montana Birth Records
- Nebraska Birth Records
- Nevada Birth Records
- New Hampshire Birth Records
- New Jersey Birth Records
- New Mexico Birth Records
- New York Birth Records
- North Carolina Birth Records
- North Dakota Birth Records
- Ohio Birth Records
- Oklahoma Birth Records
- Oregon Birth Records
- Pennsylvania Birth Records
- Rhode Island Birth Records
- South Carolina Birth Records
- South Dakota Birth Records
- Tennessee Birth Records
- Texas Birth Records
- Utah Birth Records
- Vermont Birth Records
- Virginia Birth Records
- Washington Birth Records
- West Virginia Birth Records
- Wisconsin Birth Records
- Wyoming Birth Records