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Search Marriage and Divorce Records

Do you know the divorce history of that special someone?
History has a strange way of repeating itself.

Search the marriage background of anyone. Wouldn't you like to know how many times someone was married? When they were married and how long did their marriage last.

Search Divorce background of anyone.. Wouldn't you like to know how many divorces someone has had in their life. When they were divorced and how long did their last marriage last.

Are you thinking of marriage and feeling uneasy, having doubts, having the feeling that something just doesn't feel right? Are you suspecting that there is someone else? You can search if that special someone is already married or divorced.

Search returns the Names & possible addresses of Current & Ex - Spouses such as husbands and wives. This is a USA Nationwide search.

Search Find Marriage Records or Divorce Records

Search all 50 US States, Puerto Rico, Canada & United Kingdom for Marriage and Divorce records. UK search results return a certified copy of the marriage certificate when the marriage is found. Search Marriage and Divorce records for the states of Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, DC, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming. Covers available public records databases and courts in the above states and regions.

Getting Married? Do you know that special someone's marriage history?

Do you know how many times he/she has been married before?

Search Current & Ex - Spouses

Search Current Marital Status

Searches if an individual is presently married or not and if the individual is married then seeks the name of the current spouse.
Marriage Certificate (Certified Copy)
Search by name of Bride, Groom, place of marriage. (USA)

How to search Marriages or Divorces Nationwide in the USA?

Marriages and Divorces fall under state law and are regulated by states. Therefore each state has to be searched individually and can get expensive. However an alternative way would be to first run the Current & ex-spouses search which can return the names and addresses of ex-spouses. This can then help you decide which states to look for depending on where the ex-spouses live or if there are no ex-spouses then there may not be any past marriage or divorce records.

Search Find Marriage Records International

Search UK, Sweden, Mexico, Brazil, India, China, Philippines, Thailand, New Zealand, Argentina, Columbia, Venezuela, Russia, South Africa and most other countries in the world.

Marriage and Divorce records are two separate matters of record. Chances are, both need not be checked. Both are kept by County. It's not reasonable to check an entire state county by county. Records are available from most states. When records are available and are found, they typically reveal the following:

Marriage Records: Marriage Records reveal if the subject has married. When and where, the names of the bride and groom and their ages at the time of the marriage. The license number may also be revealed.

Divorce Records: Divorce Records reveal if the subject is legally divorced. When and where filings were made, names of the parties involved, and case numbers. If a divorce is found, you may want to obtain some documentation from that file. Important issues to look for are domestic violence, restraining orders, child custody, property and other settlement issues.

Please provide the following information about the Subject: Full Name (include middle name or initial) Date of Birth Current Address Previous Address (complete or city/state) Any specific identifying information you may have If you are certain which County to check and if you have knowledge of a possible spouses name, please provide that as well. Marriage search covers available public record databases and courts.

Are you suspecting that your Spouse, Lover, Girlfriend/Boyfriend is Cheating?

Search Possible Boyfriends/Girlfriends/Spouses/Roommates

This search returns names of girlfriends / boyfriends / roommates / spouses who possibly lived with the person in the last 22 years. Report includes city, state and zip code where the people lived together and possible time frame of living together.

Dating Romance Background Check

Marriage and Divorce records in the available states and counties. Names of girlfriends / boyfriends / roommates / spouses / relatives who possibly lived with or shared same mailing address in last 20 years and possible time frame of having same mailing address. Ownership of Motor Vehicles, ATV's, Boats, Aircrafts, Businesses, Corporations, LLC's, Houses, Buildings, Real Estate. Returns assets associated with name or address and Income, Purchasing or shopping demographics associated with name or address. Motor Vehicles - Only Make, Model and Year. Comprehensive Nationwide Criminal, Civil, Dismissed, Pending cases, Lawsuits, Charges, Judgments, Convictions, Dispositions and other Court Records Search. Searches Criminal & Civil court records, Judgments, Dispositions, Pending and Dismissed cases, Lawsuits, Filing dates, Closing dates, Filing types, Case Numbers, Party Names, Case Summaries, Charges and Attorney Names as available, bankruptcies and other court dockets. You can even find if a case has been filed with the court within 1 to 4 business days. Search includes multiple criminal record sources such as State dockets, Federal & Appellate court dockets, Supreme Court dockets, County court dockets, sex offender registries, department of corrections, municipal jurisdictions, federal fugitive files, small claims courts, federal courts, state courts, supreme courts, district courts, family courts, appeals courts, traffic courts in states available, state and county criminal record repositories, prison parole and release files, probation records, records from other state agencies and Interpol public records. INTERPOL is the world's largest international police organization spanning 186 member countries.

Search all U.S. States, for Marriage and Divorce records.

Are you getting married?

Do you know your future spouse's marriage history?

Was she/he married before?

How many times was she/he married?

Is she/he divorced?

Avoid surprises get a marriage background report and keep peace of mind.

Check the current marital status of your spouse or your ex-spouse .
Find out if your ex-spouse has remarried.

Check to see if your spouse was married before.
Find out if your ex-spouse has remarried.

Search to find names of boyfriend, girlfriend or roommates. Find out who are the other members of the household.

Search marriage records and obtain a certified copy of the marriage certificate. Search the marriage record archives in any state and find the marriage record you are looking for.

You have a date? A blind-date? Run a background check and learn more about her /his past history, where he/she lived. Search for her/his relatives, roommates, their finanical status, assets, bankruptcies and in worse case if he/she has a criminal history in their background.

Marriage Records by State