
Background Checks


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Driving Records  

Driving Records

marriage search

Vital Records

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People Search


Criminal History

asset search

Asset Search

Dating Background Check

Dating Romance Background Check / Marriage Background Check

Marriage and Divorce records in the available states and counties. Names of girlfriends / boyfriends / roommates / spouses / relatives who possibly lived with the person or shared the same mailing address in the last 20 years. Includes city, state and zip code. Ownership of Motor Vehicles, ATV's, Boats, Aircrafts, Businesses, Corporations, LLC's, Houses, Buildings, Real Estate. Returns possible assets associated with name or address and Income, Purchasing or shopping demographics associated with name or address. Motor Vehicles - Only Make, Model and Year. Comprehensive Nationwide Criminal, Civil, Dismissed, Pending cases, Lawsuits, Charges, Judgments, Convictions, Dispositions and other Court Records Search. Searches Criminal & Civil court records, Judgments, Dispositions, Pending and Dismissed cases, Lawsuits, Filing dates, Closing dates, Filing types, Case Numbers, Party Names, Case Summaries, Charges and Attorney Names as available, bankruptcies and other court dockets. You can even find if a case has been filed with the court within 1 to 4 business days. Search includes multiple criminal record sources such as State dockets, Federal & Appellate court dockets, Supreme Court dockets, County court dockets, sex offender registries, department of corrections, municipal jurisdictions, federal fugitive files, small claims courts, federal courts, state courts, supreme courts, district courts, family courts, appeals courts, traffic courts in states available, state and county criminal record repositories, prison parole and release files, probation records, records from other state agencies and Interpol public records. INTERPOL is the world's largest international police organization spanning 186 member countries. It enables international police co-operation across national boundaries. Covers public resources.



Lookup Copies of Divorce Judgment

This search returns a copy of the Divorce Judgment, Case files, Evidence files and any other document on the court record regarding the Divorce. Case Number is required for this search and if you do not know the case number then you can also add the Divorce records search to this search. You can post the case number in the additional information field in the search form.