Personality Profiles
Personality profiles also known as psychological profile can help deduce your behavior profile. It can include various behaviors, preferences, personal traits and special talents. Profiles can be deduced from any public information such as demographic data, internet search, media, opinions, blogs, social networking services, wikis, newsgroups, words, voice, pictures, videos, biological features, physical features, body language, forums, message boards including other methods such as statistical comparisons with peer groups. There is no necessity to take written or verbal tests and no necessity of lengthy questions and answers as in the Myers-Briggs tests. Click here for more information on profiling.
Excerpts and comments on Research in this field:
Standardizing traits is an emerging field. Just as credit scores are used by creditors to determine how good a credit risk you are. Psych scores confer predictive value for estimating how likely it is that someone behaves in a certain way. People having similar scores for certain aspects of their behavior tend to act similarly for those particular behaviors. You can compare personality profiles of two people and find out how similarly they would tend to be like each other for particular behaviors.
Information such as the types of music, magazines, books, movies clothes a person likes, membership preferences, convey a lot about that persons behavior. Research, published in the June issue of the Journal of Psychological and Social Psychology, indicates that your musical tastes may indeed reflect more about your psychology than previously realized. This research shows that music preferences can offer some important insights into a person's psychology, and might even serve as a tool when trying to learn more about someone," says study author Sam Gosling, a professor at the University of Texas. Many studies show that preferences in music, movies, TV shows, travel, books, plays, even favorite colors, politicians, movies or pop stars says a little something about who a person is, and can help discover a person's tastes and likes and dislikes. A study by Alan Hirsch M.D., director of Smell & Taste Treatment and Research Foundation states that even favorite pizza toppings of a person show a correlation to their behavior. Various preferences of a person convey a lot about the individuals psychology. These preferences can provide insights on traits like, if the person drinks, smokes, has hemorrhoids or practices safe sex. Most major retailers and web portals collect detailed data from users. This includes geographic area, ISP information, and what was queried. Nearly all major retailers also track and archive preferences of their customers. Many retailers use services of The Return Exchange, to track customers' return habits. The Return Exchange maintains a database of shoppers' return habits by combining data from a number of retailers into one database.
Research published by David Dunning of Cornell University, Chip Heath of Stanford University and Jerry M. Suls of the University of Iowa reveal that other people who are not involved in any type of relationship with an individual are better judges of an individual's relationships and abilities. These researchers have been studying a large body of research into self-evaluation, and much of it reveals that most of us have flawed views about us and our relationships. That can have consequences, because if we don't know about our relationships and who we are, we could be endangering others as well as ourselves. People deceive themselves because they lack the necessary information to make an accurate assessment; and they often ignore or undervalue the information they do have.
Psychology also has a great influence on the Stock Market. Investors are people and like most people react emotionally to news and other facts. And a person's perception of fundamental and technical factors can be influenced by many things including money. Markets are all about perceptions of the future. If investors expect things to get better, stocks go up and if investors think things will get worse, stocks go down. And these expectations are constantly being adjusted, as investors digest every possible detail -- such as economic news, earnings reports, economic data, political events and news and any other factor that might give them a clue about what the future holds. More important than the details themselves is how investors perceive those details and react to them. Facts do matter, but the only thing that really counts is how investors react to the facts. This perception of the details and facts depends a great deal on the individual psychological profile of investors and the total market is the collective psychological profile of all the investors. Yale professor Robert Schilling who correctly predicted the Stock Market crash in his book "Irrational Exuberance" and who may have lent Alan Greenspan the word Irrational Exuberance quoted to the Financial Times "One of the great innovations of our time is, bringing psychology back into economics." Princeton University Psychology Professor Daniel Kahneman, won a Nobel Prize for Economics in 2002 for his work merging psychology and economics. He is a pioneer in the field of behavioral finance. Research in behavioral finance shows that people are generally emotional, biased, irrational, overly impressed with their acumen and what they believe to be familiar to them. And this behavior practiced in masse tends to create bubbles and seasonal swings.
Donald trump's how-to-get-rich strategies also include comments on the importance of Psychology in making deals. He discusses how knowing the psychology of people involved in his deals has contributed to his success as a dealmaker. According to him, his interest in psychology came late, after dismissing it in college. Now Trump says Jung the renowned Psychologist's work is "important to financial success." Jung has been a big "help in my business as well as in my personal life. He recommends that Reading Jung will give you insights into yourself and the ways in which you and other people operate." And when he says that he's talking to all of us.
A study by American Management Association (AMA) reveals that 39 percent of companies surveyed use psychological testing as part of their hiring process. More and more people are also using psychological profiling to evaluate their business partners, dates and spouses. Salespeople use psychological profiling to better understand the needs of their customers and gain a competitive edge in closing sales. Even college students have started using psychological profiling to evaluate their roommates. Lawyers use profiling for Criminal behavior profiling, Litigation profiling, Witness examination and Jury selection
Dr Michael Moynagh and Richard Worsley have completed studies whose patrons include the Archbishop of Canterbury and the foreword is written by British Prime Minister Tony Blair. The study concludes that Psychological profiling will be the way to screen one's ideal partner - and with all this matchmaking, the divorce rate could fall, the study says.
As a measure to improve school safety, one of Pittsburgh's largest suburban school districts is thinking of making use of student profiling. North Allegheny Assistant Superintendent Richard Domencic has proposed the district look into what some consider a radical tactic in the battle to stem school violence: student profiling to identify students who are believed to be prone to violence. "You will never know if you overreact," Domencic told the board when he presented his proposal last month, "but you will always know if you underreact.