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Verify Email Address, Lookup IP Address

The following Email, Internet Protocol (IP) Address, Instant Messenger Name, Username, document or file lookups return possible results through your search criteria.

Lookup IP Address, IP registry

Lookup City, State, Country, general longitude, latitude, including name and address of owner of IP address.

Reverse email Address Lookup


Reverse Instant Messenger Name Lookup

First & Last Name (Surname) or business name.

Instant Messenger City, State, Zip Code Lookup

City, State and Zip code.

Lookup Email header, Source of Email

Lookup full or partial email header for the origin of email message such as city, state or province, country and possible street, latitude, longitude, area or ZIP code. What are email headers and how do I view email headers?

Lookup New email address or IM name from old email / IM

New email address or Instant Messenger Name.

Lookup address for email, IP or IM Name

City, state, ZIP code, country, street name or number.

Lookup forwarding email address

Forwarding email address.

Lookup email or IM through Name or Address

email address or Instant Messenger Name.

Lookup IP Address through email or Instant Messenger Name

IP Address

Lookup access to email or Instant Messenger Name

IP address, City, State and general latitude & longitude of your email or IM name.

Lookup websites, domains associated with IP Address

Websites or Domains.


Lookup domains or website registrations or ownership by Name

Website registrations or ownership by Name.

Lookup background of IP Address

Possible Names, email addresses, website usernames, webpages, and Instant Messenger Names, covers public internet.

Lookup background of Website

Lookup history of names, addresses registered with website. Dates of website registration changes starting from first registration. IP address history of the website from date of creation, Location of website server, type of website server, any SSL certificate information, other sites on the same server as website, name of registrar, percentage visitors to website by country, visitors by city, website ranking, listing of website on other directories and websites, DMOZ Directory, DMOZ Title, DMOZ Description, Website Ranking, Response Code, Blacklist Status, SSL Certificates, Website Status, ICANN Registrar, Created, Expires, Registrar Status, Whois Server, Name Server, IP History, Whois History, Reverse IP, dates of major changes to website.

Lookup copies of Photo, Picture, Audio or Video

Web pages and internet sites where copies of a specific photo, picture or video may be posted. 

The following are tools that help you with self service lookups.

Lookup photo of at various ages

From photo of a person at one age, create a stream of photos of the persons face as it changes with age.

Recover Passwords & Information from Computers

Recover passwords from: Windows XP / 2000 / NT - Passwords stored for websites - Internet Explorer - Email Passwords - Instant Messenger Passwords - Microsoft Outlook and Outlook Express Passwords - Exchange - Office - Excel - Word - Access - Quickbooks - Quicken - Microsoft Money - Peachtree - ACT - Lotus Notes - Lotus 1-2-3 - Lotus Word Pro - Adobe Acrobat - WinRAR RAR - VBA Visual Basic modules - EFS - Encrypted File System - FileMaker - Quattro Pro - Backup - Project - MYOB - Paradox - Mail - Schedule and WordPerfect. These tools are for your own computer only. They do not work on third party computers or servers.

Compare Source of emails, Instant Messages, blog postings, profiles, comments, reviews, photos, videos, documents

Lookup if emails, Instant Messages, blog postings, profiles, comments, opinions, reviews, pictures, videos, documents, computer files, electronic files such as PDF (Adobe Acrobat file), Word Documents, Word Perfect Documents, TXT, DOC, JPG, JPEG, GIF, TIFF, BMP, ZIP, MP3, AVI, WAV, MPEG, MPEG-4, FLV, Flash Video, MOV, QT, MOOV are from the same device.

Lookup Photos, Videos, Audios, Computer files, electronic files

Lookup serial number of the hard drive, flash drive, SD card or other types of memory and handheld devices on which photos, pictures, videos, documents, computer files, electronic files such as PDF (Adobe Acrobat file), Word Documents, Word Perfect Documents, TXT, DOC, JPG, JPEG, GIF, TIFF, BMP, ZIP, MP3, AVI, WAV, MPEG, MPEG-4, FLV, Flash Video, MOV, QT, MOOV are created.

Lookup Model Number, serial number of printer or photocopier that printed paper documents, printed documents, photographs, pictures

Lookup Model of the printer, serial number of printer or photocopier that printed or copied the document or photo. All paper documents have data embedded about the model or serial number of printer or photocopier used to print them. Paper generally has data embedded about the origin of the paper.

Lookup Make, Model, Serial number of Camera or Webcam from Picture, Photo or Video

Lookup Model of Camera, serial number of Camera or Webcam from picture, photo or video. Photos or video generally have data embedded about the model or serial number of the camera used.

Recover Lost or Deleted Data

Recover lost or deleted files, folders, complete partitions or entire drives. You can recover most files that are accidentally deleted or are damaged due to viruses. The recovery will depend on how long ago the files were deleted. When a computer file is deleted, all that actually happens is that references to the file on the hard drive are removed. Most of the file data is still there - it is simply hidden.

Recover old, saved, lost or deleted emails or instant messages

Helps you recover old, saved, lost or deleted emails or instant messages. Web based emails, POP, Outlook, Outlook Express, Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail, Thunderbird and many other types of emails or instant messages. These tools are for your own computer only. They do not work on third party computers or servers.
Next Page...

What is an IP address?

IP address also called Internet Protocol address is a numeric identifier assigned to a computer connected to the Internet. It is a unique number that devices use in order to identify and communicate with each other on a network utilizing the Internet Protocol standard. Any participating device on the network such as routers, computers, time-servers, printers, internet fax machines, telephones, webcams, servers etc., must have its own unique numeric identifier. This allows transmission of data packets on behalf of the sender to indicate where to send them next and for the receiver of the data packets to know that it is the intended destination. The numbers currently used in IP addresses range from to and some of these values are reserved for specific purposes. This does not provide enough possibilities for every internet device to have its own permanent number. Subnet routing, Network Address Translation and the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server all allow local networks to use the same IP addresses as other networks elsewhere though both are connected to the Internet. IP addresses used locally within the confines of a local area network are called local IP addresses and those used over the internet are called public IP addresses. There are two types of IP addresses (1) Static IP address and (2) Dynamic IP address. Static IP addresses are assigned to a specific device and the assignment does not change while Dynamic IP addresses can be shared or rotated amongst many devices although not at the same time. IP addresses are conceptually similar to phone numbers, except they are used in LANs (Local Area Network), WANs (Wide Area Network), or the Internet.

What is an email address?

An e-mail address identifies an electronic destination to which an electronic message can be delivered. A modern Internet email address (using SMTP) is a string of the form It should be read as "myname" at "domain" dot com. The part before the @ sign is the local-part of the address, often the username of the recipient or destination, and the part after the @ sign is a domain name which can be looked up in the Domain Name System to find the mail exchange servers accepting email for that address. The first part of the address, the email user name, identifies a unique user on an email server. The @ symbol separates the user name from the host or server name. The host name uniquely identifies the server computer and is the last part of the Internet email address. The three letter suffix in the host or server name identifies the kind of organization operating the server such as .com for commercial organizations, edu for educational institutions and so on.

What is an Instant Messenger name?

An Instant Message allows electronic communications to happen in real time and an Instant Messenger name or user ID identify the electronic destinations to which the messages terminate. For example email can be compared to a letter sent in the mail while instant messaging can be compared to a conversation over the phone. Instant messaging requires the use of a client program that hooks up an instant messaging service. Most services offer a presence information feature, indicating whether people on one's list of contacts are currently online and available to chat. This may be called a 'Buddy List'. In early instant messaging programs, each letter appeared as it was typed, and when letters were deleted to correct typos this was also seen in real time. This made it more like a telephone conversation than exchanging letters. In modern instant messaging programs, the other party in the conversation generally only sees each line of text right after a new line is started. Most instant messaging applications also include the ability to set a status message, roughly analogous to the message on a telephone answering machine.

What is an email or Instant Messenger handle?

Handle is the initial part of the email before @ and Instant Messenger Name handle is just the IM Name without specifying an IM service provider.

What is the difference between a Domain Name, an IP Address and a Computer host Name?

Domain names are similar to vanity phone numbers where words are assigned to represent the phone number. Domain name is a text name that a computer network registers for the numerical ID of the computers in the network. The domain name is used to give computers text names rather than using the numeric IP addresses. Domain name examples are,, Computer (host) name are names given to individual computers. Each host name corresponds to an IP address. Host names and domain names are optional and everything can work fine with using just IP Addresses. Examples of host names:,, and so on.

What is a proxy server?

Proxy server is a computer system, server, or an application program that forwards the requests of it clients to other servers or applications. A client connects to the proxy server, requesting a service, such as a file, connection, web page, email, instant message or other resource that is available from a different server. The proxy server provides the resource by connecting to the specified server and requesting the service on behalf of the client. A proxy server may optionally alter the client's request or the server's response, and sometimes it may serve the request without contacting the specified server. In this case, it would 'cache' the first request to the remote server, so it could save the information for later, and make everything as fast as possible.

What affects the relevancy of results?

Your search criteria, keywords, reasons, observations, timing and descriptions affect relevancy. It can be possible that over a period of time many different results could be associated with the same criteria. Email addresses, IP's, Usernames or Instant Messenger names can be reused in many different ways over a period of time. Depending on many variables there may be no one magic listing or answer to lookup an email, IP, IM or username. Your lookups return possible results through your search criteria and public resources and will not access any private service provider records.