
Background Checks


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Driving Records

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People Search


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Asset Search

Locate a Person

Find Someone / People Search

Trying to locate someone? Friend, Relative, Classmate, Co-Worker, Lost Love,  Ex-Spouse, Old buddies, Lost Family, Business Partner, Debtor? Helps search by combinations of first or last names or by a state and their name or by first name and date of birth or by address, phone number, or more. Search USA, UK, Canada, Australia, Mexico, Hong Kong, New Zealand, France, Germany, Italy, Brazil, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Russia and other countries in the world. Click here for International searches.

Search most recent Address by Name, City and approximate age

Lookup most recent reported address from Name, City or approximate age.

Instant People Search

Get results on address history, age, phone numbers, birthdates, relatives, background and more.

Search Name, Phone Number, email from Address

Searches the current occupants of an address or helps search any listed, phone number, email or Instant Messenger Accounts associated with the street address. All searches are independent searches.

Search Date of Birth

Searches publicly available information for the birth day. In addition to USA, search birthday's worldwide. Click here to search birthdays worldwide.

Search Person by their Last Name and Age

Search by Last name and Age.

Find Person by their Maiden Name

Helps search by (maiden) name and last known state of residence.

Find Someone through their picture

Helps search address associated by picture, name and age.

Lookup photo of a person at various Ages

Provide photo of a person at one age and then create a stream of photos of the persons face as it changes with age.

Search Mail Forwarding Address

For mail being forwarded from one address to another this search helps deduce the forwarding address from the first address. Searches publicly available resources.

Search Relatives & Identify their relationships

Helps search the Names & possible addresses of 1st degree relatives of an individual such as Current & Ex - Spouses, Parents, Brothers, Sisters and Sons & Daughters over 18 years of age. This report can also help identify possible relationships between the individuals.

Search Street Address from P. O. Box - USA

Helps search address of person associated with a post office box. Search Names and possible addresses of people who could have had their name associated with the PO Box in the last 20 years. Searches publicly available resources.

Occupants of any Address - 20 year history

Helps search names and possible ages of people who have occupied, rented or lived at a particular address during the last 20  years.

Search current occupants of any Address

Helps search names and possible ages of people who currently use, occupy, rent or live at a particular address.

Death Records Search

Nationwide search of Records sourced from the Social Security Administration Death Index and various supplemental state files. Returns Age at Death, Date of Death, Date of Birth & last known residence when available & more. Please note that when there is no record of an individual with the social security death administration it does not always mean that the person is alive as Records within the death index generally indicate that a death benefit has been paid out by the government.

Lookup Name & Social Security Number

Helps lookup background information associated with name and social security number (SSN)

Verify Social Security Number

This is an instant search and can return names, aliases, AKA's and addresses that have been associated with a Social Security Number. This can be a great way to prevent identity theft and fraud as it can help you pinpoint the names and addresses used with the Social Security Number. Monitoring the names and addresses that are associated with the Social Security Number can also help you identify or catch any type of fraud conducted with the number. This search could also help you find if any deceased person's name is associated with the social security number.

Verify Name & Date of Birth from Picture

This search can help you check if the Name & DOB matches a picture you have of the person. Requires Name, DOB and a picture.

Find a Persons Picture from Name or Address

Helps search photograph of person from their Name or last known Address. Photos may be 1 to 15 years old. Photo can generally be a face photo or when available a full standing picture.

High School & College Reunions

This instant search can help you search for your classmates when you are having reunions

Search Registered Voter Profile

With an individual's name, you can search the registered voter index in many states. The information returned may include: an individual's name and residence address, voter registration number and party affiliation. The Registered Voter Profiles are updated in most states every two or four years coinciding with major elections. Voter Registration Record availability varies from county to county in the USA.

Search an Individual or Company's Political Donations

Helps search the amount and type of political contributions or donations made to any political party or candidate by an individual or company. The above searches only search publicly available resources.