
Background Checks


Phone Lookup



Driving Records  

Driving Records

marriage search

Vital Records

people search

People Search


Criminal History

asset search

Asset Search

Search Business Ownership

Search Business Ownership & Affiliations

Search an individual's business affiliations and ownership. Determine the relationship(s) between one ownership and another.  Explore possible conflicts of interest by looking for a business manager or executive's involvement with other businesses. The Business Ownership and Affiliation search returns: Name & address of Business or Businesses with which the individual is affiliated with or has ownership interest.  Title of Executive(s), or Officer(s), or Owner(s) Type of business or corporation. SIC Description Additional detail information on the business owned may be available on some results, such as corporate id number, employee size, sales volume, phone number, status, company history, etc.

Assets, Property & Income Search

Search Motor Vehicles, ATV's, Boats, Aircrafts, Businesses, Corporations, LLC's, Houses, Buildings, Real Estate, Ownership and Income range. Returns assets associated with name or address and Purchasing or shopping demographics associated with name or address. Motor Vehicles generally include the Make, Model and Year.

Search Stock Ownership and Transactions

Identify assets for an individual or company by uncovering stock ownership and track the stock transactions. This search generally returns:

Stock Transaction type and date Form type Number of shares involved in transaction
Transaction type and date Form type Number of shares involved in transaction
Name of the company where a stock transaction occurred and Ticker Symbol
Shareholder name & address
Relationship of the shareholder to the company (i.e. Director) Ownership
Additional detail information may be available on some results where applicable, such as number of shared traded, how securities acquired, transaction price, etc.

The report identifies holdings owned by directors, officers, and stockholders with more than 10% of stock in the company. Transactions and holding information is derived primarily from information filed on the following forms: Form 3 - Filed as an initial statement, identifies holdings owned by directors, officers, and stockholders with more than 10% of stock in the company. Form 4 - Filed as an amendment to Form 3, reports a sale or acquisition of securities. Form 5 - Filed as an Annual Section 16, submitted 45 days after company's fiscal year end Form 144 - Filed as notice of the proposed sale of restricted securities or securities held by an affiliate of the issuer. Form 144 is filed when the amount to be sold during any three-month period exceeds 500 shares or has an aggregate sales price in access of $10,000.