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Verify Accountant Background, Screen Accountants

Accountant Background Check

This report provides background information on any Accountant in the USA. It verifies License and Status of any Accountant or discovers any existence of Disciplinary action. Report Contains:

Accountants Full Name and Month Year of Birth
Current Address of the Accountants Practice. 
Accountants Academic Background.
Any Awards or Honors received by the Accountant.
Any Actions against the Accountant taken Disciplinary Boards.
Criminal History and Civil court records Check.
Regulatory status of Accountant.

Any Complaints, Awards, Rumors

When considering an accountant it is advisable to request at least three to five references and taking the time to check them. In general it is in your best interest to handle payroll independently, unless the accountant's firm is bonded by an insurance policy. The client is usually covered when a bonded accountant makes a mistake or commits fraud. To protect yourself you can also consider adding embezzlement coverage to your umbrella insurance policies


*Optional Client history of Accountant.
Optional client history can include the percentage of clients who were audited by the IRS during one particular full Calendar Year.