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Mexico Criminal Records and Civil Court Records

Mexico Criminal records or Civil Court Record Check

Search Criminal records and Civil Court records by state or for the whole country of Mexico. Statewide civil or criminal records check, search the court systems for the states and territories of Mexico, Distrito Federal, Veracruz, Jalisco, Puebla, Guanajuato, Chiapas, Michoacen, Nuevo Leen, Oaxaca, Chihuahua, Guerrero, Tamaulipas, Baja California, Sinaloa, Coahuila, San Luis Potose, Hidalgo, Sonora, Tabasco, Yucaten, Morelos, Queretaro, Durango, Zacatecas, Tlaxcala, Aguascalientes, Quintana Roo, Nayarit, Campeche, Colima, Baja California Sur

The legal system in Mexico is based on Spanish civil law and has some influence of the common law tradition. Spanish civil law is based upon strict adherence to legal codes and minimal jurisprudence. The writ of Amparo is the most powerful juridical instrument and can be invoked against acts by any government official, including the president. Mexico's court system or judiciary is a separate branch of government. It is divided into the Federal and State level.

Mexico Supreme Court (Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Nacien, or SCJN)

The Supreme Court of Justice of Mexico is the highest federal court in Mexico. The Supreme Court of Justice, comprises of eleven judges. It consists of a President of the Supreme Court (Chief Justice) and ten Ministers (Associate Justices) who are confirmed by the Senate from a list proposed by the President of Mexico. These Justice's interpret laws and judge cases of federal competency.  Justices of the Mexico Supreme Court must be Mexican citizens by birth and between the age of thirty-five to sixty-five years old. They must have resided in Mexico and held a law degree during the five years preceding their nomination. According to the Mexico constitution, supreme court justices are appointed for life and are only subject to impeachment by the Chamber of Deputies. In practice, however the justices, along with the entire federal judiciary, traditionally submit their resignations at the beginning of each Sexenio. Depending on the case before it, The Supreme Court of Justice can meet either in joint session or in separate chambers. The high court is divided into four chambers - Penal Affairs Chamber, Administrative Affairs Chamber, Civil Affairs Chamber, and Labor Affairs Chamber. Each chamber has five justices. There is a fifth chamber, called the Auxiliary Chamber which is responsible for the overload of the four regular chambers. All Court rulings of the whole or plenary court and the separate chambers are decided on the basis of majority opinion. The full court can overturn the rulings by the separate chambers. Mexican Supreme Court of Justice is prohibited by the constitution from applying its rulings beyond any individual case.

The appointment of the Supreme Court Magistrates is for life and they can only be removed if there is a guilty verdict after impeachment proceedings. These Supreme court magistrates then appoint other Justices whose terms are usually six years. The Supreme Court has original and appellate jurisdiction in four divisions: administrative, civil, labor, and penal. Appeals from the District courts are heard by the Circuit Courts. Other institutions of the judiciary are the Electoral Tribunal, collegiate, unitary and district tribunals, and the Council of the Federal Judiciary

Mexico Federal Courts

The Supreme Court of justice has three levels of federal courts under it and twelve Collegiate Circuit Courts, each having three magistrates, nine Unitary Circuit Courts each having six magistrates and sixty-eight District Courts each having one judge. The supreme court of justice appoints the federal judges for the lower courts. Collegiate Circuit Courts deal with the protection of individual rights, most commonly hearing cases where an individual seeks a writ of amparo a type of legal protection similar to a broad form of habeas corpus that safeguards individual civil liberties and property rights. Collegiate Circuit Courts are similar to the United States Courts of Appeals. Collegiate Circuit Courts are located in Mexico City, Toluca, Guadalajara, Monterrey, Hermosillo, Puebla, Veracruz, Torreen, San Luis Potose, Villahermosa, Morelia, and Mazatlen. The Unitary Circuit Courts are located in Mexico City, Toluca, Guadalajara, Monterrey, Hermosillo, Puebla, Merida, Torreen, and Mazatlen. Appeals cases are also handled by Unitary Circuit Courts.

Federal courts include the Supreme Court that comprises of 21 magistrates; 32 circuit tribunals, and 98 district courts, with one judge each.

Special courts include a fiscal tribunal and boards of conciliation and arbitration.

State Government organization in Mexico

Mexico has thirty-one states and a Federal District that encompasses Mexico City and its immediate regions. Each state has a constitution that is usually modeled on the national charter and has the right to legislate and levy taxes other than interstate customs duties. Similar to the federal organization at the national level, state (and local) governments also have executive, legislative, and judicial branches. The Governor is the head of the state executive branch and is elected by a simple majority for a six year term. State legislatures consist of a single Chamber of Deputies who meet in two ordinary sessions per year and can extend periods or call for extraordinary sessions as needed. Deputies serve three-year terms and may not be immediately reelected. Deputies, State governor, State Superior Court of Justice, or a municipality within a given state can introduce legislative bills.

State Judiciary in Mexico

A Superior Court of Justice heads the State Judiciary. State Governors appoint Justices of the Superior Courts of Justice with approval of the state legislatures. Superior court magistrates, in turn, appoint all lower state court judges.

Federal District of Mexico City

The Federal District includes Mexico City and its southern suburbs is under supervision of the president, who appoints a Mayor also called as the Regente who holds cabinet rank as head of the Department of the Federal District and conducts municipal duties. Indirect election of the mayor of Federal district was approved by congress in an electoral reform package In September 1993.

Mexico Local Government Structure

The Municipio (Municipality) is the basic unit of Mexican government is the municipality which is responsible for most public services such as water, sweage, street lighting, public safety, cleaning, maintenance, traffic, supervision of slaughterhouses and maintenance of parks, gardens, and cemeteries. Municipalities can also assist state and federal governments in the provision of elementary education, emergency fire and medical services, environmental protection and maintenance of historical landmarks. The Regente (Mayor) heads the municipal government along with the Ayuntamiento (Municipal Council) Municipal governments are popularly elected for three-year terms. According to Municipio Libre (Principle of free municipality) Article 115 of the 1917 constitution proclaims the autonomy of local governments.