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Lookup IP address, IP registries

When a computer is online it gets assigned an IP address. Lookup City, State, Country, general longitude, latitude associated with the IP, including name and address of owner of IP address. Owners are not always the users and to lookup possible address of user add the Address option. Internet Protocol (IP) Address lookups help deduce possible Addresses sources or locations through your search criteria.

What is an IP address?

The "IP" in IP Address stands for "Internet Protocol and is a numeric identifier assigned to a computer which is connected to the internet. It is a unique number that devices use in order to identify and communicate with each other on a network utilizing the Internet Protocol standard. Any participating device on the network such as routers, computers, time-servers, printers, internet fax machines, telephones, webcams, servers etc., must have its own unique numeric identifier. This allows transmission of data packets on behalf of the sender to indicate where to send them next and for the receiver of the data packets to know that it is the intended destination. The numbers currently used in IP addresses range from to and some of these values are reserved for specific purposes. This does not provide enough possibilities for every internet device to have its own permanent number. Subnet routing, Network Address Translation and the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server all allow local networks to use the same IP addresses as other networks elsewhere though both are connected to the Internet. IP addresses used locally within the confines of a local area network are called local IP addresses and those used over the internet are called public IP addresses. There are two types of IP addresses (1) Static IP address and (2) Dynamic IP address. Static IP addresses are assigned to a specific device and the assignment does not change while Dynamic IP addresses can be shared or rotated amongst many devices although not at the same time. IP addresses are conceptually similar to phone numbers, except they are used in LANs (Local Area Network), WANs (Wide Area Network), or the Internet.


The above, Internet Protocol (IP) Address, Instant Messenger Name, Username, document or file searches lookup public resources and return whatever is available, associated with full or partial IP, email, Username or file.


Lookup. IP address: USA, Canada, UK, Australia, New Zealand, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Russia, Poland, Hungary, Slovenia, Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea, Thailand, Taiwan, India, Turkey, Bahrain, Dubai, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Kuwait, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, South Africa, Mexico, Brazil, Uruguay, Peru and Argentina,

What is the difference between a Domain Name, an IP Address and a Computer host Name?

Domain names are similar to vanity phone numbers where words are assigned to represent the phone number. Domain name is a text name that a computer network registers for the numerical ID of the computers in the network. The domain name is used to give computers text names rather than using the numeric IP addresses. Domain name examples are,, Computer (host) name are names given to individual computers. Each host name corresponds to an IP address. Host names and domain names are optional and everything can work fine with using just IP Addresses. Examples of host names:,,  and so on.

Can you locate a computer by pinging it?

By pinging another computer on the internet you can tell if it is currently active and how long it takes to get information from the originating computer to the destination and back. Ping sends signals (packets) to another computer on the Internet or a network to see if they send a return or an 'echo.' If all the signals 'timeout' the computer may be disconnected from the Internet or is unreachable. This feature only checks if a computer is connected. It cannot verify the validity of an e-mail address. It also cannot check a specific web page.

What is tracert or trace input?

Tracert traces the route data packets take through the Internet from one computer to another.  The signal generally goes from a computer to the Internet Service Provider (ISP) and then to their provider until it reaches a 'backbone' provider. This could take one or many steps. It then eventually transfers to the destination 'backbone' provider and reverses the process to the destination computer. This feature only checks a computer that is connected to the Internet, it cannot verify the validity of an e-mail address. It also cannot check a specific web page. Note that a traceroute may follow a completely different path as compared to downloading web pages or sending e-mail. A Trace route gives you information about each computer between the originating computer and the destination, including ping times, IP addresses and the names of all of the computers.

What is a Reverse DNS Lookup?

A Reverse DNS lookup will give you the name of a computer as listed in the Domain Name Server databases maintained by the ISP's from the IP address.

What are fake IP Addresses what is the error variation of lookups?

A fake IP Address is one that does not appear in any ISP's BGP (Border Gateway protocol) tables and accordingly can not carry traffic. IP Maps that are built from real traffic do not contain the locations for fake IP Addresses. Research shows that a majority of the theoretical total of 256*256*256 = 16,777,216 subnets are either fake subnets, or don't carry any traffic at all. In addition to  fake addresses, IP maps may not contain addresses of low traffic subnets or infrequently used subnets. Where the map contains very low traffic subnets, it's resolutions may not be as dependable due to the proportionately low number of points that are available on these subnets. On the other hand, because the IP map's accuracy is largely based on the available points, and because the number of points available for a given subnet is proportional to the traffic that it carries, the IP map's accuracy will be very high where its resolutions affect the most traffic.

What affects the relevancy of results?

Lookups are a cooperative process. They help you deduce possible Names, Addresses, IP's, sources or locations through your search criteria and public resources. Your input criteria such as reason for search, your observations and descriptions affect relevancy. It is generally very easy to create and close email and IMs and therefore it can be possible that over a period of time many different results could be associated with the same criteria. Please also note that Email addresses, IP's, Usernames or Instant Messenger names can be reused by many users over a period of time. Statistically the newer or less active the email or IM the lower the probability of verifiable Name(s), location(s) or other results associated with them. Depending on many variables there may be no one magic search or answer to lookup an email, IP, IM or username. Lookups estimate results through your search criteria and public resources and will not search or access any private service provider records.