Canada Criminal & Civil Court Record Check Canada Background Check - Police Report
Search Canadian Courts, Boards and Tribunals by province or nationwide for Criminal and Civil Court records. Provincial civil or criminal records check, search the court system for the provinces and territories of Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Northwest Territories, Nova Scotia, Nunavut, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, Quebec, Saskatchewan, Yukon Territory.
Comprehensive Nationwide civil & criminal records check for Canada covers the following courts, boards and Tribunals. Lookup lawsuits, judgments, convictions, rulings, opinions, legal proceedings, trials, case summaries, dispositions and other dockets.
Canada Federal Criminal & Civil Court records, Boards and Tribunals
Supreme Court of Canada,
Supreme Court of Canada - Applications for Leave
Federal Court of Appeal
Federal Court of Canada
Tax Court of Canada
Competition Tribunal
Canadian Human Rights Tribunal
Canada Public Service Labour Relations Board
Canadian International Trade Tribunal
Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada
Canada Public Service Staffing Tribunal
Ontario Criminal & Civil Court records, Boards and Tribunals.
Court of Appeal for Ontario
Ontario Superior Court of Justice
Ontario Divisional Court
Ontario Court of Justice
Ontario Consent and Capacity Board
Law Society of Upper Canada Discipline Committee / Convocation
Law Society Appeal Panel
Law Society Hearing Panel
Ontario Workplace Safety and Insurance Appeals Tribunal
Ontario Labour Relations Board
ON Labour Arbitration
Ontario Grievance Settlement Board
Ontario Public Service Grievance Board
Ontario Pay Equity Hearings Tribunal
Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario
Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario
British Columbia Criminal & Civil Court records, Boards and Tribunals.
British Columbia Court of Appeal
Supreme Court of British Columbia
Provincial Court of British Columbia
BC Labour Relations Board
Law Society of British Columbia
British Columbia Securities Commission
Alberta Criminal & Civil Court records, Boards and Tribunals.
Alberta Court of Appeal
Alberta Court of Queen's Bench
Alberta Provincial Court
Alberta Employment Standards Umpire
College of Physicians and Surgeons Discipline Committee
Quebec Criminal & Civil Court records, Boards and Tribunals.
Quebec Court of Appeal
Quebec Superior Court
Court of Quebec
Quebec Human Rights Tribunal
Quebec Professions Tribunal
Quebec Municipal Courts
Administrative Tribunal of Québec
Conseil de la magistrature
Quebec Labour Court
Commission des relations du travail
Conférence des arbitres du Québec
Commission des valeurs mobiliéres du Québec
Barreau du Québec Committee on Discipline
Commission des lésions professionnelles du Québec
Régie des alcools des courses et des jeux
Chambre de l'assurance de dommages Discipline Committee
Commission de protection du territoire agricole du Quebec
Commission de la fonction publique
Comité de discipline de la Chambre de la sécurité financiére
Comité de déontologie policiére
Commission municipale du Québec
Arbitration - Guarantee plan for new residential buildings
Arbitration - performing, recording and film artists
Régie du Bétiment - licences d'entrepreneur de construction
Commission de reconnaissance des associations d'artistes et des associations de producteurs Collége des médecins du Québec Discipline Committee
Manitoba Criminal & Civil Court records, Boards and Tribunals.
Manitoba Court of Appeal
Court of Queen's Bench of Manitoba
Provincial Court of Manitoba
New Brunswick Criminal & Civil Court records, Boards and Tribunals.
Court of Appeal of New Brunswick
Court of Queen's Bench of New Brunswick
New Brunswick Provincial Court
New Brunswick Office of the Ombudsman
New Brunswick Labour and Employment Board
Workplace Health, Safety and Compensation Commission Appeal Tribunal
Nova Scotia Criminal & Civil Court records, Boards and Tribunals.
Nova Scotia Court of Appeal
Supreme Court of Nova Scotia
Supreme Court of Nova Scotia (Family Division)
Provincial Court of Nova Scotia
Nova Scotia Small Claims Court
Nova Scotia Barristers' Society Hearing Panel
Nova Scotia Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Review Officer
Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board
Prince Edward Island Criminal & Civil Court records, Boards and Tribunals.
Supreme Court of Prince Edward Island - Appeal Division
Supreme Court of Prince Edward Island -Trial Division
Prince Edward Island Human Rights Commission
Prince Edward Island Labour Relations Board
New Foundland and Labrador Criminal & Civil Court records, Boards and Tribunals.
Supreme Court of Newfoundland and Labrador, Court of Appeal
Supreme Court of Newfoundland and Labrador, Trial Division
Provincial Court of Newfoundland and Labrador
Law Society of Newfoundland and Labrador
Saskatchewan Criminal & Civil Court records, Boards and Tribunals.
Court of Appeal for Saskatchewan
Court of Queen's Bench for Saskatchewan
Provincial Court of Saskatchewan
Automobile Injury Appeal Commission
Yukon Criminal & Civil Court records
Yukon Court of Appeal
Supreme Court of the Yukon Territory
Territorial Court of Yukon
Territorial Court of Yukon (Youth Court)
Small Claims Court of the Yukon
Northwest Territories Criminal & Civil Court records, Boards and Tribunals.
Court of Appeal for the Northwest Territories
Supreme Court of the Northwest Territories
Territorial Court of the Northwest Territories
Rental Officer
Northwest Territories Labour Standards Board
Nunavut Criminal & Civil Court records
Court of Appeal of Nunavut
Nunavut Court of Justice
Organization of the Courts in Canada:
The Canadian Court System is divided into four levels. First level includes the provincial courts, that handle most of the cases that come to the court system. Second level includes the provincial and territorial superior courts. These courts deal with more serious crimes and also take appeals from provincial court judgments. On the same level, but responsible for different issues, is the Federal Court, Trial Division. At the next level are the provincial courts of appeal and the Federal Court of Appeal. The Supreme Court of Canada is the highest court in the land.
Provincial and Territorial Courts:
In Canada each province and territory has a provincial or territorial court. The exception is Nunavut where it is called the Nunavut Court of Justice. Provincial / Territorial courts deal with cases involving either federal, provincial or territorial laws such as most criminal offences, family law matters except divorce, juvenile offenders from 12 to 17 years old, traffic violations, provincial or territorial regulatory offences, and claims involving money with certain limits that are set by the respective jurisdiction. Private disputes involving smaller sums of money is often heard in Small Claims courts. Provincial or territorial courts also hear all preliminary inquiries about determining whether there is enough evidence to justify a full trial in serious criminal cases.
Youth Courts:
Youth courts handle cases involving people, from 12 to 17 years old, specifically when they are charged with an offence under federal youth justice laws. Procedures in youth court provide protections appropriate to the age of the accused. Provincial, territorial or superior courts can also be designated youth courts.Domestic Violence Courts:
hear cases involving incidents of spousal abuse. These courts provide a focal point for programs and services for victims and offenders.Provincial or Territorial Superior Courts:
Each province and territory has superior courts that can be known by various names such as Superior Court of Justice, Provincial or Territorial Supreme Court and Court of Queen's Bench. Even if the names are different the Superior Court system is the same across Canada. Nunavut is the only exception where the Court of Justice also handles Superior Court matters. Superior courts have inherent jurisdiction. This means that they have jurisdiction in any cases in any area except those that are specifically limited to another level of court. The superior courts have jurisdiction over the most serious criminal and civil cases, including divorce cases and cases that involve large amounts of money. Each province or territory sets the minimum amount. Superior Courts can also have specialized family courts that deal exclusively with family law matters such as divorce and property claims. Superior courts are also the court of first appeal. The judges for the Superior courts are appointed by the Federal government even though each province or territory administers their respective superior court.Courts of Appeals:
The Court of appeals hears appeals from decisions of the superior courts, provincial or territorial courts. Each province or territory has a respective appellate division or the court of appeals. These courts usually sit a panel of three judges and the number of judges can very from one jurisdiction to another. These courts also hear constitutional matters.Federal Courts:
Federal courts are superior courts with civil jurisdiction that deal with matters involving federal laws. These courts have jurisdiction over disputes between provinces or between the federal government and the provinces, citizenship cases, intellectual property cases involving copyrights, patents and trademarks, cases involving the Competition Act and cases involving crown corporation or any department of the government of Canada. Certain specialized Federal Courts have also been created by the federal government such as the Tax Court of Canada and courts that deal with military issues.The Supreme Court of Canada
The Supreme Court of Canada is the highest court in Canada and is the final court of appeals from all other courts in Canada. The judges are appointed by the federal government and the court consists of eight judges and one chief justice. At least three judges have to come from Quebec. Three judges come from Ontario, two from western Canada, and one from the Atlantic provinces. The Supreme Court sits for three sessions in a year in Ottawa.Definitions and Classification of Crimes in Canada
In Canada Crimes are generally divided into summary, indictable, or hybrid offenses. Indictable offenses include only the most serious crimes, which are punishable by at least 2 years imprisonment in a federal penitentiary, such as murder, rape, and robbery. Since the Canadian Criminal Code is used by all provinces, territories, and municipalities, the definition of indictable offenses is uniform in all jurisdictions. Some indictable offenses, such as murder, treason, and piracy, are also called "supreme court exclusive" offenses. Other offenses, like theft, betting, and gaming, are called "absolute jurisdiction" offenses. Summary offenses are less serious, such as motor-vehicle offenses and creating a disturbance. Sentences can range from fines (maximum of $2,000) and probation, to a maximum of 6 months incarceration in a provincial prison. (All expenditure information is presented in Canadian dollars.) Unlike indictable offenses, summary offenses are most often defined by provincial or municipal legislation. For instance, there are varying provincial statutes for traffic violations. Thus, the provinces tend to have jurisdiction on less serious offenses, while the federal government is given legislative authority for more serious offenses. Hybrid or dual offenses can be prosecuted either as summary or indictable offenses, at the decision of the prosecutor. For example, prosecutors typically decide to prosecute the crime of breaking and entering as summary offenses, having the effect of expediting case dispositions by moving the case to a lower court.
Age of criminal responsibility. Under the Young Offenders Act of 1985, the age of adult culpability is 18 years-old.
Drug offenses. For Canadian Police Statistic reporting purposes, the Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics divides drug offenses into the categories of trafficking/importation/cultivation and possession. It is a federal crime to traffic (e.g. manufacture, sell, give, administer, transport, send, deliver, distribute, or to attempt such actions), import, export, cultivate, or possess drugs listed under the Narcotic Control Act and under the Food and Drugs Act. (The Narcotic Control Act (1985) lists the following durgs to be illegal under Schedule 1: Opium, coca, cannabis sativa, phenylpiperidines, phenazepines, amidones, methadols,phenalkoxsams, thiambutenes, moramides, benzazocines, ampromides, benzimidazoles, phencyclidine, fentanyl, tilidine, carfentanil, and alfentanil. The drugs listed under the Food and Drugs Act are generally those which must be controlled, are available only for medical use, are legally restricted, or are used for non-medical purposes. Carswell, 1989: 546-547, 596-598; Fourth United Nations Survey, 1993).)2. Crime statistics. The definitions of the following crimes are based on administrative definitions which are constructed by the Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics to aid Canadian Police report crime statistics to the Uniform Crime Report Survey and have legal standing under the Canadian Criminal Code.
Under Section 231 of the Canadian Criminal Code, "Murder in the first degree is murder when it is planned and deliberate" or when the victim is "a) a police officer, police constable, constable, sheriff, deputy sheriff, sheriff's officer or other person employed for the preservation and maintenance of the public peace, acting in the course of his duties; b) a warden, deputy warden, instructor, keeper, jailer, guard or other officer or a permanent employee of a prison, acting in the course of his duties; or c) a person working in a prison with the permission of the prison authorities and acting in the course of his work therein" or when death is caused while committing or attempting to commit hijacking an aircraft, sexual assault, sexual assault with a weapon (including threats to a third party or causing bodily harm), aggravated sexual assault, kidnapping and forcible confinement, or hostage taking. (Under Section 231 of the Criminal Code, subsection 3, "...murder is planned and deliberate when it is committed pursuant to an arrangement under which money or anything of value passes or is intended to pass from one person to another or is promised by one person to another, as consideration for that other's causing or assisting in causing the death of anyone or counseling another person to do any act causing or assisting in causing that death. All murder that is not first degree murder is second degree murder. As of 1983, the terms "rape" and "indecent assault" were replaced by "sexual assault.
The definition of sexual assault can be ascertained by combining Sections 265 and 271 of the Canadian Criminal Code: Section 265 (Assault) states that "
(1) A person commits an assault when [generally] without the consent of another person, he applies force intentionally to that other person, directly or indirectly,
2) This section applies to all forms of assault, including sexual assault, sexual assault with a weapon, threats to a third party or causing bodily harm and aggravated sexual assault...". In Section 271 (Sexual Assault) the Commentary states that, "Sexual not defined, although an essential element, assault, is elsewhere defined for such purposes. In general, it is an assault under Section 265(1) committed in circumstances of a sexual nature such as to violate the sexual integrity of [the victim].
Theft, includes the theft of property worth over $1,000 (e.g. embezzlement, fraud, other misappropriation of money held under direction) and does not include motor-vehicle or bicycle theft, or shoplifting. Attempts are included. Generally, under Section 322 of the Canadian Criminal Code, a person charged with theft is one "...who fraudulently and without color of right takes, or...converts to his use or to the use of another person, anything, whether animate or inanimate, with intent, a) to deprive, temporarily or absolutely, the owner of it, or a person who has a special property or interest in it..
Canada Police powers and Canadian Police Procedures
Under Sections 26 and 27 of the Criminal Code, when making an arrest or seeking to prevent a crime, the police may not use more force than is necessary. "Everyone who is authorized by law to use force is criminally responsible for any excess thereof according to the nature and quality of the act that constitutes the excess.
Police can make an arrest with or without an arrest warrant. An arrest warrant may be issued by the Justice of the Peace if probable grounds exist that the public interest would be served by this action, such as a high risk that the suspect will leave the area. Arrest warrants are mainly used for persons who fail to appear in court, are at-large, or fail to pay a fine. Under Criminal Code Section 28, police are required to inform the suspect about the reason for the arrest. After the arrest, the suspect must be brought to the Justice of the Peace within 24 hours for further processing. At that point, the Justice of the Peace decides whether to further detain or release the suspect before his or her trial appearance. Barring public safety risks, pre-trial detention is discouraged and most suspects are released after arrest. Most arrests are made without a warrant, although no official statistics exist as to the exact proportion. Warrantless arrests can occur if the police are certain or have probable grounds to believe the suspect has committed or is about to commit an indictable offense; is committing a crime within view of the police officer; or has an outstanding arrest warrant. Except for very serious offenses, police are constrained by the Bail Reform Act of 1971 to making warrantless arrests only if they believe that an arrest is the only way a suspect will show up for trial or if the "public interest" necessitates it (e.g. prevention of suspect committing future offenses or destroying evidence). Warrantless arrests are made at the discretion of the police officer, who can release the offender on his or her own recognizance or bring him to the Justice of the Peace (lowest ranking judicial officer). The Justice then decides whether to grant bail. The bailing process can last up to 8 days.
Decision to arrest. An alternative to arrest is the "appearance notice" which a police officer can issue. The notice ensures the suspect will appear for trial by specifying a time and place (e.g. court house or police station) for attendance. Another option the police may exercise is to request that the Justice of the Peace issue a summons for the suspect to appear at trial.
Search and seizure. Police are allowed to search the person and property in the course of making an arrest. Without an arrest being made, they generally require authorization for the search from a Justice of the Peace. The Justice will usually authorize the search if he or she thinks there is probable cause to believe the property could contain evidence that a crime was committed. The search warrant must specify the items and/or persons to be seized and the place to be searched. The search usually must be conducted during daylight hours. However, evidence obtained by an illegal search can still be introduced as evidence at trial. There is also a type of search which is carried out by a writ of assistance, available only to RCMP officers and issued by a judge in the Federal Court of Canada. A "writ" allows RCMP officers to search, with some degree of reasonableness, any person or property which they believe to be connected to an offense violation of the Customs and Excise Acts, the Narcotic Control Act, and the Food and Drugs Act. The search can be conducted day or night, and allows for the seizure of narcotics or contraband and a search of persons. The writ remains active until the police officer is no longer operating within the confines of the Act.
Confessions. A citizen must answer the questions of a police officer and may be subject to arrest for obstructing justice for refusal to do so. In some provinces, drivers of motor vehicles are required, when stopped, to give their name and address to the police officer. A confession can be entered into court as evidence of a crime only if it can be proved that it was given voluntarily. Although not required by law, the arresting police officers will inform a suspect of the right to remain silent and the right to counsel in order to prove that a confession statement was made voluntarily.
Canada Judicial Process, Procedures and Rights of the Accused
The Canadian Bill of Rights guarantees certain rights to persons charged with a crime. Any person charged with an offense has the right: "a) to be informed without unreasonable delay of the specific offence; b) to be tried within a reasonable time; c) not to be compelled to be a witness in proceedings against that person in respect of the offence; d) to be presumed innocent until proven guilty according to law in a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal; e) not to be denied reasonable bail without just cause; f) except in the case of an offence under military law tried before a military tribunal, to the benefit of trial by jury where the maximum punishment for the offence is imprisonment for five years or a more severe punishment; g) not to be found guilty on account of any act or omission unless, at the time of the act or omission, it constituted an offence under Canadian or international law or was criminal according to the general principles of law recognized by the community of nations; h) if finally acquitted of the offense, not to be tried for it again, if finally found guilty and punished for the offence, not to be tried or punished for it again; and i) if found guilty of the offense and if the punishment for the offence has been varied between the time of commission and the time of sentencing, to the benefit of the lesser punishment". These rights are effective when a person has been charged with an offense. The word charge does not have any precise meaning in law, but merely means that steps have been taken that will lead to criminal prosecution. At trial accused persons may testify in their own defense, but cannot be compelled to testify. They cannot be forced to help incriminate themselves at trial by being compelled to be a witness. The right of the accused not to be forced to testify also generally applies to their wife or husband. A spouse must testify for the accused if called as a witness, but cannot be called as a witness for the prosecution. In the case of spouses, there are certain exceptions concerning sexual offenses and offenses involving a victim under the age of 14, in which a spouse can be compelled to testify for the prosecution.
Assistance to the accused. Presently, all provinces and territories will appoint an attorney to represent persons who, if convicted, may be imprisoned or may lose their means of financial support. When defendants first appear at trial, they are given an opportunity to hire a lawyer if they have not already obtained one. In jurisdictions where there is a private legal aid scheme, an accused person who cannot financially afford a lawyer can, if his or her application to legal aid is accepted, select a lawyer of his or her choice from a list of lawyers who have agreed to participate in the legal aid panel. In cases where the accused is applying for legal aid, in order to allow counsel to prepare the case, the matter will usually be held over for 2 weeks, during which time a trial date is set. When the accused presents the court with a letter from his or her lawyer setting out the trial dates, the lawyer has gone on the record as representing the client. This means that the lawyer is committed to act for the client and will, unless his or her name is removed from the record, be obligated to appear at the accused's trial. Before setting a trial date, the lawyers will want to ensure that they are prepared to represent the accused and that their fees are secure. If an accused cannot get legal aid and cannot agree with a lawyer as to an appropriate fee, the judge will inform the accused that the matter has been marked preemptory, meaning that it will proceed to trial whether or not a lawyer is representing the accused. (Canada Year Book 1990: 20.8; MacIntosh, 1989: 376-377). Someone who is charged with an indictable offense must appear in court personally to set a trial date. However, an accused who is charged with a summary conviction offense may appear through an agent. An agent is a person who can legally represent the accused, such as a lawyer, tutor, or curator. An accused charged with a summary conviction offense may not have to appear at trial, but technically must have an agent appear instead. Although a lawyer can appear without a client at trial, the trial judge can order that the accused to be present. (MacIntosh, 1989: 376-377). In fiscal year 1989-1990, approximately 568,510 criminal and civil cases were handled by legal aid attorneys, paralegals, and private attorneys working on a fee-for-service basis. (Juristat, 1991: 7).
Before a suspect can be criminally prosecuted, another person must put forth information before a Justice of the Peace in which he or she swears the accused has committed a specified offense or that there are reasonable grounds to believe that someone has committed a specified offense. In most cases, the person who swears on the information presented to the justice will be a police officer, but any private person having knowledge of a criminal offense may be the informant. Once the justice of the peace having jurisdiction has received the information, he or she must decide whether a case has been presented that warrants prosecuting the alleged offender. This is the first judicial determination in the prosecution process. It is not a determination of whether the alleged offender is guilty; it is only a determination that there are grounds that, absent any explanation or defense, would warrant the alleged offender being put on trial. Once the justice of the peace having jurisdiction over an offense has received information, and decides there are grounds to support a prosecution, the justice can issue process (e.g. issue a summons), which is an order directed to the accused requiring him or her to appear on a certain date at a particular court. The judge may also choose to issue an arrest warrant, which authorizes the police to arrest the person in question. Whichever of the 2 processes are issued, the laying of the information must be established, before there is any procedural contact with the accused. On the other hand, there are cases where the police encounter a person in the act of committing an offense, or who has just committed an offense. Here, the police act on their own initiative and start the process of an arrest. They then have time to go to a justice of the peace and lay the information. In this case, the laying of the information would occur after the first procedural contact with the accused Finally there is a judicial interim release hearing, in which the accused is put in temporary custody while waiting to be brought before the justice. This generally occurs if the police believe that it would be in the best interest of the public to hold the accused or that the offense is of a serious nature. (Understanding the Canadian Criminal Justice System, 1993: 6). Appeals at the level of indictable offenses are made to the Provincial Court of Appeal. Persons appealing the sentence of a summary offense must go to the district or county court judge.
Who conducts prosecutions in Canada?
Crimes are considered to be offenses committed against the state, symbolized by the Queen of England. Since the state is regarded as the aggrieved party, all criminal trials are conducted in the name of the state. The process of moving toward a prosecution is a matter of discretion on the part of the police. In fact, many times the police officer acts as the informant, another term for the prosecutor. The prosecutor can also be a private person, in which the cases are referred to as private prosecutions. Each province of Canada has an organized state prosecution machinery under control of the provincial Attorney General. Those offenses prosecuted by the federal government have a similar federal prosecution machinery operating under the control of the Minister of Justice and Attorney General for Canada. Part of this machinery consists of staff members (lawyers) of various localities (counties, district or cities) with various titles (e.g. Crown Attorney, Crown Prosecutors, City Prosecutors, Federal Prosecutors, and part-time agents). These staff members have many duties and functions, one of which is to prosecute criminal offenses on behalf of the Queen.Alternatives to trial. For most serious indictable offenses, the accused has no choice but to stand trial by a superior court of criminal jurisdiction sitting with a jury, barring an agreement between the accused and the Attorney General for a trial without a jury. However, there is another group of indictable offenses that are not considered serious enough to require a trial either by judge and jury or by a federally appointed judge. In these cases, the accused must be tried by a provincial court judge unless, for some exceptional reason, the judge decides otherwise. These types of offenses include theft under $1000 (when prosecuted as an indictable offense), most gaming and betting offenses and some other fraud and property offenses of a relatively minor nature. For all other indictable offenses, the accused has a choice in how he or she wishes to be tried. He can choose one of the three different courts of criminal jurisdiction available. Under the Criminal Code, there are 3 levels of trial courts: the superior court of criminal jurisdiction, the court of criminal jurisdiction, and the summary conviction court. (Mewett, 1988: 67-68). Pre-Trial Diversion Programs also exist toenable offenders who have been charged but have not yet been convicted, to be diverted out of formal criminal proceedings to an alternative method of case resolution. Adult diversion programs, largely based on the alternative measures provided under the Young Offenders Act, include personal service programs such as restitution and helping the victims repair property damage, as well as alcohol/drug rehabilitation and educational programs.
What is the Bail procedure in Canada?
The principle governing bail hearings, generally, is that an accused charged with an offense other than one of the very serious offenses listed in Section 469 of the Criminal Code, is entitled to be released, but must return to appear in court on the day of trial. This principle applies unless there is reason to believe that additional measures must be taken to ensure appearance at trial. If the Crown Attorney can show cause why the accused should be detained in custody or why the accused should not be released on his or her unconditional undertaking, the accused will not be released. If the Crown prosecutor cannot show cause why the accused should be detained in custody, but can convince a judge that the accused should not be released without conditions, a justice or a judge will release the accused only under certain conditions.Requester agrees to request criminal records search in compliance with the laws of the country of search. Acknowledgment that a release has been obtained or specific permissible purpose, if required by the local country is required to conform to the respective country`s laws.