
Background Checks


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Driving Records

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People Search


Criminal History

asset search

Asset Search

Lookup Income, Salary, Wages

Lookup Income / Salary

Many businesses such as headhunters, employers, landlords, mortgage bankers, brokers and other verifiers use income lookups. Lookup various databases, updated directly from employer's payroll records, income / salary databases. Lookup with consent generally includes factual income results and without consent generally includes possible results through your search criteria, public resources or information submitted by the subject.

Look up Salary, Wages, Employment

Lookup income, wages, salary, employment databases. Lookup with consent generally includes factual income results and without consent generally includes possible results through your search criteria, public resources or information submitted by the subject.

How to Find Assets before they are hidden?

You have obtained a substantial judgment by going through the full legal process. You have won the case but levying the assets of the other party and reaping the rewards is no easy task. If the opposing party refuses to pay the debt and the sheriff or police officer cannot find sufficient assets to satisfy the judgment then you have to first search for them.

Many lawyers will try to determine the other parties net work and source of assets by deposing them in a post judgment discovery action. They would generaly ask for their financial statements, tax returns and bank statements. They can also inquire about their personal and business assets and their income salary. During this discovery action it may be found that the party has already hidden their assets by transferring money to other entities such as family trusts to their kids or spouses or may have hidden them under another name such as maiden names etc. The following are a few pointers on where assets generally are hidden.

Many people will try to use their assets to pay off their home mortgages or add equity to their homes which they believe cannot be touched in some states because of homestead laws. They may also make prepayments to their whole life or universal life policies. They may start purchasing assets such as savings bonds because until recently savings bond transactions were not registered centrally. They may withdraw money in the form of cashiers checks and hide them somewhere. The following documents can help you find leads to a persons hidden assets. Passports or other travel documents - Visas and other entry and exit stamps on passports can help you check if any asset transfers of bank withdrawals match with the timing of their trips. Credit card transactions can help you track travel within the country and you can time any withdrawals or other asset transfers with these transactions. These records are easy to obtain by subpoena or under a motion to produce.