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Medical Records Search

Medical Records Search

This search returns medical records for personal use, insurance companies, attorneys and other qualified users. Peoples medical information does not only reside at their Doctor's office. Today, individual health and medical data is collected, collated, stored, analyzed and distributed in unprecedented quantities and put to diverse uses. Payers can not only tap patient data for claims payment; they use it for utilization review, underwriting and coverage decisions. Employers use health data to reduce their health care and workers compensation costs, as well as to identify employees who may be costly in the future. Health care providers use the data for research, to collect reimbursement, coordinate diagnosis and treatment, conduct quality assurance and monitor other providers.

Medical Records on CD

You can also get your full medical history on CD and pass it from generation to generation to your kids and grand kids as your medical information. Medical records on CD are tamper proof. Once recorded they are protected from tampering and alterations.

Who has my medical records?

Doctors, Healthcare facilities and some government agencies generally have your medical record. In addition the MIB also keeps your medical record. Medical Information Bureau (MIB), an information clearinghouse was founded by insurance companies to help them reduce insurance fraud by sharing information. When you apply for life, health or disability insurance, you provide medical information on your application. In fact, each time you sign a waiver on an insurance claim, you give permission to release your medical information. This information may be sent to the MIB. Because the Medical Information Bureau maintains data on millions of Americans, mistakes and input errors can occur. Any misinformation could have an affect on your ability to qualify for some types of insurance. For instance, life insurance companies may routinely access your personal medical profile when they are determining your eligibility and rates. That's why it make sense to examine your personal medical report to ensure that it reflects only accurate information.

A great deal of medical-related information on people also exists outside of healthcare facilities. And the right to confidentiality is often lost in return for insurance coverage. Your medical information is shared by a wide range of people both in and out of the health care industry. Medical records are created when you receive treatment from a health professional such as a physician, nurse, dentist, chiropractor or psychiatrist. Records may include your medical history, details about your lifestyle (such as smoking or involvement in high risk sports), and family medical history. In addition, your records contain laboratory test results, medications prescribed, and other reports which indicate the results of operations and other medical procedures. Medical information is also compiled when you fill out insurance forms or marketing-related questionnaires. They commonly contain sections that ask for a great deal of family health information. Examples are the National Consumer Survey and the Consumer Product Survey of America. Medical information is also compiled when people visit health-related web sites, when participating in online discussion groups and when people get memberships to health clubs and other such activities.

*All medical records searches require signed consent.