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Profile your Spouse, Lover, Boyfriend, Girlfriend

Profile your Spouse, Lover, Boyfriend, Girlfriend

Are you suspecting that your Spouse, Lover, Girlfriend/Boyfriend is Cheating?
Is your intuition telling you that something is not right?
Get peace of mind. Profiling will help you estimate the truth.
Catching a cheating spouse or "significant other" requires objective thinking. A great deal of energy is expended by Cheaters and those involved in infidelity to keep their affair hidden. The general attitude of anyone who is cheating is to deny the allegations. Catching someone in a lie and proving it can be challenging. In many cases the cheating person, (husband, wife, boyfriend or girlfriend, etc.) may have been lying about the affair for a long time. You may have gotten to the point where you are questioning your own sanity about whether it is the truth or a figment of your own imagination.

Objective research can help bring objectivity and sanity to the process of solving your problem. It could also help with peace of mind. Profiling can help you estimate the truth. It involves analyzing the information you have and searching background information on your spouse or significant other, from various sources and using that information to deduce a profile. Cheating spouses and significant others share patterns. Based on the collective behavioral history of thousands of people the profiling system can deduce patterns that can estimate cheaters. 
Would you like to know the marriage and divorce background of someone?

Search Possible Boyfriends/Girlfriends/Spouses/Roommates

This search returns names of girlfriends / boyfriends / roommates / spouses who lived with the person in the last 22 years. Report also includes the addresses where the people lived together and possible time frame of living together. Survey's estimate that up to 37% of men and 22% of women admit to having affairs. Spouses who get hooked on Internet porn are a growing complaint among spouses filing for divorce, according to a survey of 350 divorce attorneys.